contain  multitudes  •  por  Padma  Dorje  •  fundado  em  2003
contain  multitudes
Not only Orson Scott Card is a homophobic racist mormon, his works of fiction parade doubtful ethics. // “Over the years I have told a number of friends that, if I had had access to a nuclear device when I was in seventh grade, there would be a huge crater in upstate New York centered on what used to be West Seneca Junior High School. Had Orson Scott Card’s novel Ender’s Game existed then, I might have been one of its biggest fans.”johnjosephkessel

Creating the Innocent Killer: Ender's Game, Intention, and Morality

Not only Orson Scott Card is a homophobic racist mormon, his works of fiction parade doubtful ethics. // “Over the years I have told a number of friends that, if I had had access to a nuclear device when I was in seventh grade, there would be a huge crater in upstate New York centered on what used to be West Seneca Junior High School. Had Orson Scott Card’s novel Ender’s Game existed then, I might have been one of its biggest fans.”
Why use drugs? Mr. K. Dick has already provided all the fun and despair we could possibly wish for with his twisted narratives...Wikipedia


Why use drugs? Mr. K. Dick has already provided all the fun and despair we could possibly wish for with his twisted narratives...
The big question on everyone's mind is how could this long-awaited sequel do so poorly at the box office? The short answer: women. Women who are tired of poor representation, tired of being set dressing, just plain tired.THEMARYSUE

Blade Runner 2049: Bad Representation Is Not Representation

The big question on everyone's mind is how could this long-awaited sequel do so poorly at the box office? The short answer: women. Women who are tired of poor representation, tired of being set dressing, just plain tired.
This interview with Kurt Vonnegut was originally a composite of four interviews done with the author over the past decade. The composite has gone through an extensive working over by the subject himself, who looks upon his own spoken words on the page with considerable misgivings . . . indeed, what follows can be considered an interview conducted with himself, by himself.The Paris Review

Kurt Vonnegut The Art of Fiction No. 64

This interview with Kurt Vonnegut was originally a composite of four interviews done with the author over the past decade. The composite has gone through an extensive working over by the subject himself, who looks upon his own spoken words on the page with considerable misgivings . . . indeed, what follows can be considered an interview conducted with himself, by himself.
Ever since humans have been telling stories, we've been telling stories about drugs.MOTHERBOARD

Soma, Spice and Substance D: A History of Drugs in Science Fiction

Ever since humans have been telling stories, we've been telling stories about drugs.
We revealed our ultimate reading list with 9 Essential Geek Books You Must Read Right Now. readers fire back, submitting some awesome literary picks…WIRED

These Are the Greatest Geek Books of All Time, Readers Say

We revealed our ultimate reading list with 9 Essential Geek Books You Must Read Right Now. readers fire back, submitting some awesome literary picks…
Old Robocop is flawless, new Robocop, amazingly, is almost that good.IMDb

Worthy remake

Old Robocop is flawless, new Robocop, amazingly, is almost that good.
Science fiction will sometimes address the topic of religion. Often religious themes are used to convey a broader message, but others confront the subject head-on—contemplating, for example, how attitudes towards faith might shift in the wake of ever-advancing technological progress, or offering creative scientific explanations for the apparently mystical events related in religious texts (gods as aliens, prophets as time travelers, etc.). As an exploratory medium, science fiction rarely takes religion at face value by simply accepting or rejecting it; when religious themes are presented, they tend to be investigated deeply.Wikipedia

List of religious ideas in science fiction

Science fiction will sometimes address the topic of religion. Often religious themes are used to convey a broader message, but others confront the subject head-on—contemplating, for example, how attitudes towards faith might shift in the wake of ever-advancing technological progress, or offering creative scientific explanations for the apparently mystical events related in religious texts (gods as aliens, prophets as time travelers, etc.). As an exploratory medium, science fiction rarely takes religion at face value by simply accepting or rejecting it; when religious themes are presented, they tend to be investigated deeply.
Explanation of all the time travelling going

Primer (2004) diagram

Explanation of all the time travelling going on.
Kurt Vonnegut’s 1963 novel Cat’s Cradle, a central plot element is called ice-nine. The substance, created in a lab, was made up of familiar H2O molecules, but they were locked in a novel crystalline structure that froze solid at room temperature.SLATE

When Scientists Created a New Form of Water Out of Thin Air

Kurt Vonnegut’s 1963 novel Cat’s Cradle, a central plot element is called ice-nine. The substance, created in a lab, was made up of familiar H2O molecules, but they were locked in a novel crystalline structure that froze solid at room temperature.
It is customary for old folks (such as me) to fulminate loudly about change. The new is puzzling; loss of the old and the familiar is sad. What do I miss? The Bussard

When Ramjets Ruled Science Fiction

It is customary for old folks (such as me) to fulminate loudly about change. The new is puzzling; loss of the old and the familiar is sad. What do I miss? The Bussard ramjet.
Philip K. Dick: A Visionary Among the Charlatans, translated from the Polish by Robert Abernathy.depauw

Stanislaw Lem on Philip K. Dick

Philip K. Dick: A Visionary Among the Charlatans, translated from the Polish by Robert Abernathy.
So what does one do when the end is foreordained? The centrality of this question in 12 Monkeys is what makes it more valuable than ever, and one of the most currently relevant pieces of science fiction ever committed to celluloid. In addition to being visually stunning and filled with fascinating — if occasionally overcooked — performances, it puts forth a clarion call that is woefully necessary in these dark times. In short, 12 Monkeys offers a vision of the curious joy and hope that we must embrace when all conventional forms of it have been lost.vulture

12 Monkeys Is the Apocalypse Movie We Need Right Now

So what does one do when the end is foreordained? The centrality of this question in 12 Monkeys is what makes it more valuable than ever, and one of the most currently relevant pieces of science fiction ever committed to celluloid. In addition to being visually stunning and filled with fascinating — if occasionally overcooked — performances, it puts forth a clarion call that is woefully necessary in these dark times. In short, 12 Monkeys offers a vision of the curious joy and hope that we must embrace when all conventional forms of it have been lost.
E-books and tablets, smart phones, Google and even The Matrix were all conceived in the middle of the 20th century by the author of Solaris. Here’s how Stanisław Lem predicted the future we live

13 Things Lem Predicted About The Future We Live In

E-books and tablets, smart phones, Google and even The Matrix were all conceived in the middle of the 20th century by the author of Solaris. Here’s how Stanisław Lem predicted the future we live in.
A review. // Jorge Luis Borges called the stories of Craig Strete “shattered chains of brilliance.” Salvador Dali said, “like a new dream, his writings seizes the mind.”SFSIGNAL

Jenn Brissett on 'The Bleeding Man and Other Science Fiction Stories' by Craig Strete

A review. // Jorge Luis Borges called the stories of Craig Strete “shattered chains of brilliance.” Salvador Dali said, “like a new dream, his writings seizes the mind.”
“We live in capitalism. Its power seems inescapable. So did the divine right of kings. Any human power can be resisted and changed by human beings. Resistance and change often begin in art, and very often in our art—the art of words.” // “Right now, I think we need writers who know the difference between the production of a market commodity and the practice of an art. Developing written material to suit sales strategies in order to maximize corporate profit and advertising revenue is not quite the same thing as responsible book publishing or authorship. (Thank you, brave applauders.)”parkerhiggins

We Will Need Writers Who Can Remember Freedom

“We live in capitalism. Its power seems inescapable. So did the divine right of kings. Any human power can be resisted and changed by human beings. Resistance and change often begin in art, and very often in our art—the art of words.” // “Right now, I think we need writers who know the difference between the production of a market commodity and the practice of an art. Developing written material to suit sales strategies in order to maximize corporate profit and advertising revenue is not quite the same thing as responsible book publishing or authorship. (Thank you, brave applauders.)”
“The Tanstagi principle is meant to imply that the invisible hand of the free market applies to government as well. In other words, contrary to traditional ideas of laissez-faire capitalism, government interference in the free market is impossible, since governments are inextricably a part of the market as a whole. Thus, true laissez-faire conditions are impossible, since the government will always affect the market.”Wikipedia

Schrödinger's Cat Trilogy

“The Tanstagi principle is meant to imply that the invisible hand of the free market applies to government as well. In other words, contrary to traditional ideas of laissez-faire capitalism, government interference in the free market is impossible, since governments are inextricably a part of the market as a whole. Thus, true laissez-faire conditions are impossible, since the government will always affect the market.”
Two 1971 science-fiction films build horrific futures from the materials of the present: one overrun by the violent ids of a barbaric younger generation, and the other, one locked down tight enough to squeeze the humanity from its citizens. Both make cases for keeping the human spirit liberated, but they go about it differently, and with varying degrees of success. And both build their horrific futures from the materials of the present.THEDISSOLVE

Chaos, oppression, and the grim worlds of A Clockwork Orange and THX-1138

Two 1971 science-fiction films build horrific futures from the materials of the present: one overrun by the violent ids of a barbaric younger generation, and the other, one locked down tight enough to squeeze the humanity from its citizens. Both make cases for keeping the human spirit liberated, but they go about it differently, and with varying degrees of success. And both build their horrific futures from the materials of the present.
These aren't the droids you're looking for; in fact, you might have completely missed these robots, spaceships and dystopias, but you should definitely give ...YouTube

Top 10 Underrated Science Fiction Movies

These aren't the droids you're looking for; in fact, you might have completely missed these robots, spaceships and dystopias, but you should definitely give ...
The exploration of politics in science fiction is arguably older than the identification of the genre. One of the earliest works of modern science fiction, H. G. Wells’ The Time Machine, is an extrapolation of the class structure of the United Kingdom of his time, an extreme form of Social Darwinism; during tens of thousands of years, human beings have evolved into two different species based on their social class.Wikipedia

Political ideas in science fiction

The exploration of politics in science fiction is arguably older than the identification of the genre. One of the earliest works of modern science fiction, H. G. Wells’ The Time Machine, is an extrapolation of the class structure of the United Kingdom of his time, an extreme form of Social Darwinism; during tens of thousands of years, human beings have evolved into two different species based on their social class.

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