contain  multitudes  •  por  Padma  Dorje  •  fundado  em  2003
contain  multitudes
In the Nyāya Sūtra by Akṣapāda Gautama (composed sometime between the sixth century BCE and the second century CE), a three-fold conception of dialogue is discussed. It appears that at the time this was written, dialectic culture was strong in the Sanskritic world. Thus, the rules of dialogue and debate started being codified by several authors, such as Gautama in his Nyāya Sūtra and Caraka (third century BCE) in his seminal Ayurveda work Caraka Saṁhitā. In Gautama's work, he defines three types of dialogue.Language Log

The Notion of “Trolling” in Ancient Sanskrit

In the Nyāya Sūtra by Akṣapāda Gautama (composed sometime between the sixth century BCE and the second century CE), a three-fold conception of dialogue is discussed. It appears that at the time this was written, dialectic culture was strong in the Sanskritic world. Thus, the rules of dialogue and debate started being codified by several authors, such as Gautama in his Nyāya Sūtra and Caraka (third century BCE) in his seminal Ayurveda work Caraka Saṁhitā. In Gautama's work, he defines three types of dialogue.
There are several methods of transliteration from Devanāgarī to the Roman script, and also of transcription (Romanization).WIKIPEDIA

Devanagari transliteration

There are several methods of transliteration from Devanāgarī to the Roman script, and also of transcription (Romanization).
As the Narendra Modi government celebrates Sanskrit, a look at the oldest known speakers of the language: the Mitanni people of

Fact check: India wasn't the first place Sanskrit was recorded

As the Narendra Modi government celebrates Sanskrit, a look at the oldest known speakers of the language: the Mitanni people of Syria.
How China is attempting to unravel the mysteries contained in 2,000-year-old forgotten Sanskrit texts, with little help from across the border.India Today

The lost Sanskrit treasures of Tibet

How China is attempting to unravel the mysteries contained in 2,000-year-old forgotten Sanskrit texts, with little help from across the border.

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