contain  multitudes  •  por  Padma  Dorje  •  fundado  em  2003
contain  multitudes
Allen Ginsberg sings “Father Death Blues”, and relates two anecdotes on death involving his guru Trungpa Rinpoche. From the documentary “A Poet on the Lower ...YouTube

Allen Ginsberg - Father Death Blues

Allen Ginsberg sings “Father Death Blues”, and relates two anecdotes on death involving his guru Trungpa Rinpoche. From the documentary “A Poet on the Lower ...
Bob Blaisdell praises the prose of Russia’s greatest poet, Alexander Pushkin.LAREVIEWOFBOOKS

A Brilliant Mind’s Pauses: The Fiction of Russia’s Greatest Poet

Bob Blaisdell praises the prose of Russia’s greatest poet, Alexander Pushkin.
How Stéphane Mallarmé's greatest work was forged from tragedy.NEWREPUBLIC

The Poem that Foretold Modernism

How Stéphane Mallarmé's greatest work was forged from tragedy.
When I was eight years old, my primary school put on a production of a (much-shortened) Odyssey, complete with costumes, song, and dance. The play starred the cute troublemaker in my class as Odysseus, the headmaster of the school as Polyphemus (the one-eyed monster outwitted by his tiny opponents),...POEMS

Emily Wilson: Translator's Note to The Odyssey

When I was eight years old, my primary school put on a production of a (much-shortened) Odyssey, complete with costumes, song, and dance. The play starred the cute troublemaker in my class as Odysseus, the headmaster of the school as Polyphemus (the one-eyed monster outwitted by his tiny opponents),...

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todo conteúdo, design e programação por Eduardo Pinheiro, 2003-2024
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