contain  multitudes  •  por  Padma  Dorje  •  fundado  em  2003
contain  multitudes
Silicon Valley fails to take into account the human consequences of its technological wizardry. // Silicon Valley seems to have lost a bit of its verve since the Presidential election. The streets of San Francisco—spiritually part of the Valley—feel less crowded. Coffee-shop conversations are hushed. Everything feels a little muted, an eerie quiet broken by chants of protesters. It even seems as if there are more parking spots. Technology leaders, their employees, and those who make up the entire technology ecosystem seem to have been shaken up and shocked by the election of Donald Trump.NEWYORKER

Silicon Valley Has an Empathy Vacuum

Silicon Valley fails to take into account the human consequences of its technological wizardry. // Silicon Valley seems to have lost a bit of its verve since the Presidential election. The streets of San Francisco—spiritually part of the Valley—feel less crowded. Coffee-shop conversations are hushed. Everything feels a little muted, an eerie quiet broken by chants of protesters. It even seems as if there are more parking spots. Technology leaders, their employees, and those who make up the entire technology ecosystem seem to have been shaken up and shocked by the election of Donald Trump.
Zuckerberg needs to stop courting Beijing and start paying attention to the countries where Facebook matters.FOREIGNPOLICY

Facebook Can’t Cope With the World It’s Created

Zuckerberg needs to stop courting Beijing and start paying attention to the countries where Facebook matters.
The current debate about Net Neutrality may not be as clear cut as you'd imagine. Professor Derek McAuley lays out the details.YouTube

Net Neutrality

The current debate about Net Neutrality may not be as clear cut as you'd imagine. Professor Derek McAuley lays out the details.
Several prominent people are up in arms about Facebook charging for access to users who have already Liked their page. I believe this debate is missing the big picture, and what we are in fact witnessing is the unfurling of the full-fledged... “Blurring the lines between advertising and content is one of the most ambitious goals a marketer could have.” (I just pasted the link and noticed: this Dalton Caldwell guy seems to understand Facebook quite well, and at the same time doesn't know how to configure a proper open graph for his website... hm.. 2017 repost: open graph fixed.) .... Facebook newsfeed is an embodiment of our war on noise. We depend on the newsfeed optimizer to protect our limited attention span, and as a consequence, Facebook gets to choose what stories we do and don’t see, just as Google chooses which search results we do and don’t see. Conceptually, this seems very lucrative: Facebook is auctioning off our limited attention span to the highest bidder, as long as the bidder has a candidate newsstory to promote. This is what Like-gate is about. Welcome to the attention economy.”DALTONCALDWELL

Understanding Like-gate

Several prominent people are up in arms about Facebook charging for access to users who have already Liked their page. I believe this debate is missing the big picture, and what we are in fact witnessing is the unfurling of the full-fledged... “Blurring the lines between advertising and content is one of the most ambitious goals a marketer could have.” (I just pasted the link and noticed: this Dalton Caldwell guy seems to understand Facebook quite well, and at the same time doesn't know how to configure a proper open graph for his website... hm.. 2017 repost: open graph fixed.) .... Facebook newsfeed is an embodiment of our war on noise. We depend on the newsfeed optimizer to protect our limited attention span, and as a consequence, Facebook gets to choose what stories we do and don’t see, just as Google chooses which search results we do and don’t see. Conceptually, this seems very lucrative: Facebook is auctioning off our limited attention span to the highest bidder, as long as the bidder has a candidate newsstory to promote. This is what Like-gate is about. Welcome to the attention economy.”
Facebook's expectations about users' social lives can be very different from users' own.TheAtlantic

Are Your Facebook Friends Stressing You Out? (Yes)

Facebook's expectations about users' social lives can be very different from users' own.
Nichole Gracely has a master’s degree and was one of Amazon’s best order-pickers. Now, after protesting the company, she’s homeless.Guardian

'Being homeless is better than working for Amazon'

Nichole Gracely has a master’s degree and was one of Amazon’s best order-pickers. Now, after protesting the company, she’s homeless.
If our supersmart tech leaders knew a bit more about history or philosophy we wouldn’t be in the mess we’re in

How a half-educated tech elite delivered us into chaos

If our supersmart tech leaders knew a bit more about history or philosophy we wouldn’t be in the mess we’re in now.

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todo conteúdo, design e programação por Eduardo Pinheiro, 2003-2024
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