contain  multitudes  •  por  Padma  Dorje  •  fundado  em  2003
contain  multitudes
A psychosomatic disorder that causes rapid heartbeat, dizziness, fainting, confusion and even hallucinations when an individual is exposed to an experience of great personal significance, particularly viewing art.Wikipedia

Stendhal syndrome

A psychosomatic disorder that causes rapid heartbeat, dizziness, fainting, confusion and even hallucinations when an individual is exposed to an experience of great personal significance, particularly viewing art.
A Newly Discovered Neuron May Be A Clue.npr

What Makes A Human Brain Unique?

A Newly Discovered Neuron May Be A Clue.
Understanding that link may be crucial to treatmentThe Economist

More evidence that autism is linked to gut bacteria

Understanding that link may be crucial to treatment
Memory lapses that disrupt daily living or cause a person to withdraw from family are more serious than absent-mindedness or confusing names, experts said.NYTIMES

Did You Just Forget, or Is It Something More Serious?

Memory lapses that disrupt daily living or cause a person to withdraw from family are more serious than absent-mindedness or confusing names, experts said.
Autism spectrum disorder is a neurodevelopmental disorder of unknown aetiology. It is suggested to involve both genetic susceptibility and environmental factors including in the latter environmental toxins. Human exposure to the environmental toxin aluminium has been linked, if tentatively, to autism spectrum disorder.SCIENCEDIRECT

Aluminium in brain tissue in autism

Autism spectrum disorder is a neurodevelopmental disorder of unknown aetiology. It is suggested to involve both genetic susceptibility and environmental factors including in the latter environmental toxins. Human exposure to the environmental toxin aluminium has been linked, if tentatively, to autism spectrum disorder.
Physicians on the front lines of health care today are sometimes described as going to battle. It’s an apt metaphor. Physicians, like combat soldiers, often face a profound and unrecognized threat to their well-being: moral injury.statnews

Physicians aren’t ‘burning out.’ They’re suffering from moral injury

Physicians on the front lines of health care today are sometimes described as going to battle. It’s an apt metaphor. Physicians, like combat soldiers, often face a profound and unrecognized threat to their well-being: moral injury.
When it comes to your moods, decisions and behaviour, the brain in your head is not the only one doing the thinking.NEUROSCIENCESTUFF

Gut instincts: The secrets of your second brain

When it comes to your moods, decisions and behaviour, the brain in your head is not the only one doing the thinking.
One of nature's strangest pathogens is possibly setting up camp in your throat.MOTHERBOARD

An Algae Virus Was Just Found in Humans, and It May Be Messing With Our Brains

One of nature's strangest pathogens is possibly setting up camp in your throat.
Infection and autoimmune activity result in inflammation. And psychiatric researchers now suspect that inflammation may play a role in some cases of depression and other mental illnesses.NPR

Could Depression Be Caused By An Infection?

Infection and autoimmune activity result in inflammation. And psychiatric researchers now suspect that inflammation may play a role in some cases of depression and other mental illnesses.
Her parents were running out of hope. Their teenage daughter, Mary, had been diagnosed with a severe case of obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD), as well as ADHD. They had dragged her to clinics around the country in an effort to thwart the scary, intrusive thoughts and the repetitive behaviors that Mary felt compelled to perform. Even a litany of psychotropic medications didn’t make much difference. It seemed like nothing could stop the relentless nature of Mary’s disorder.THEVERGE

Gut feelings: the future of psychiatry may be inside your stomach

Her parents were running out of hope. Their teenage daughter, Mary, had been diagnosed with a severe case of obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD), as well as ADHD. They had dragged her to clinics around the country in an effort to thwart the scary, intrusive thoughts and the repetitive behaviors that Mary felt compelled to perform. Even a litany of psychotropic medications didn’t make much difference. It seemed like nothing could stop the relentless nature of Mary’s disorder.
New research suggests genetic material from the mitochondria can trigger an immune response throughout the bodyscientificamerican

Brain’s Dumped DNA May Lead to Stress, Depression

New research suggests genetic material from the mitochondria can trigger an immune response throughout the body
Almost weekly, it seems, scientists confirm the importance and influence of the microbiome, the collection of bacteria and other microbes that live inside and on…PRI.ORG

Our unique 'microbial aura' travels with us wherever we go

Almost weekly, it seems, scientists confirm the importance and influence of the microbiome, the collection of bacteria and other microbes that live inside and on…
Gaslighting is a form of manipulation that seeks to sow seeds of doubt in a targeted individual or in members of a targeted group, hoping to make them question their own memory, perception, and sanity.Wikipedia


Gaslighting is a form of manipulation that seeks to sow seeds of doubt in a targeted individual or in members of a targeted group, hoping to make them question their own memory, perception, and sanity.
Take a quick glance at the annals of literature and you can find madness in bucketloads: Hemingway undergoing painful electroconvulsive treatment, Robert Lowell’s stint in McLean Hospital, David Foster Wallace’s post-suicide canonization, Virginia Woolf with her pockets stuffed full of stones. Suffering can seem like a vital ingredient in the production of great art.THE-TLS

The literary glamour of madness

Take a quick glance at the annals of literature and you can find madness in bucketloads: Hemingway undergoing painful electroconvulsive treatment, Robert Lowell’s stint in McLean Hospital, David Foster Wallace’s post-suicide canonization, Virginia Woolf with her pockets stuffed full of stones. Suffering can seem like a vital ingredient in the production of great art.
Researchers are exploring changes in prenatal nutrition to lower risks for future mental disorders. The work is preliminary, but there is ample precedent for maternal diet affecting children's health.NPR

Can Mental Illness Be Prevented In The Womb?

Researchers are exploring changes in prenatal nutrition to lower risks for future mental disorders. The work is preliminary, but there is ample precedent for maternal diet affecting children's health.
British Psychological Society to launch attack on rival profession, casting doubt on biomedical model of mental illnessThe Guardian

Psychiatrists under fire in mental health battle

British Psychological Society to launch attack on rival profession, casting doubt on biomedical model of mental illness
Mr D. was working on a reality television show when he was hospitalised after causing a public disturbance. While working on the production of the show, he came to believe that he was the one who was actually being broadcast: ‘‘I thought I was a secret contestant on a reality show. I thought I was being filmed. I was convinced I was a contestant and later the TV show would reveal me.’’ He believed his thoughts were being controlled by a film crew paid for by his family. During the 2 weeks prior to admission, he experienced decreased sleep, pressured speech, irritability, paranoia, and hyperreligiosity. The patient carried a diagnosis of bipolar disorder and had had two previous hospitalisations for manic episodes.tandfonline

The “Truman Show” delusion: Psychosis in the global village

Mr D. was working on a reality television show when he was hospitalised after causing a public disturbance. While working on the production of the show, he came to believe that he was the one who was actually being broadcast: ‘‘I thought I was a secret contestant on a reality show. I thought I was being filmed. I was convinced I was a contestant and later the TV show would reveal me.’’ He believed his thoughts were being controlled by a film crew paid for by his family. During the 2 weeks prior to admission, he experienced decreased sleep, pressured speech, irritability, paranoia, and hyperreligiosity. The patient carried a diagnosis of bipolar disorder and had had two previous hospitalisations for manic episodes.
“We are legion, each and every one of us. Always a ‘we’ and never a ‘me.’” // Even when we are alone, we are never alone. We exist in symbiosis — a wonderful term that refers to different organisms living together. // All zoology is really ecology. We cannot fully understand the lives of animals without understanding our microbes and our symbioses with them. And we cannot fully appreciate our own microbiome without appreciating how those of our fellow species enrich and influence their lives. We need to zoom out to the entire animal kingdom, while zooming in to see the hidden ecosystems that exist in every creature.BRAINPICKINGS

Mental Health, Free Will, and Your Microbiome

“We are legion, each and every one of us. Always a ‘we’ and never a ‘me.’” // Even when we are alone, we are never alone. We exist in symbiosis — a wonderful term that refers to different organisms living together. // All zoology is really ecology. We cannot fully understand the lives of animals without understanding our microbes and our symbioses with them. And we cannot fully appreciate our own microbiome without appreciating how those of our fellow species enrich and influence their lives. We need to zoom out to the entire animal kingdom, while zooming in to see the hidden ecosystems that exist in every creature.
An outpouring on Twitter highlights the acute pressures on young scientists.Nature

Time to talk about why so many postgrads have poor mental health

An outpouring on Twitter highlights the acute pressures on young scientists.
Web forums are full of neurotics. They breed neuroticism and make it go viral. Learn how and why this happens.TruthHawk

How Web Forums Make Neuroticism Viral

Web forums are full of neurotics. They breed neuroticism and make it go viral. Learn how and why this happens.
In 2012, a psychiatrist named Joel Gold published a paper in the journal Cognitive Neuropsychiatry describing a trend he had noticed among his patients. In the course of the preceding decade, he had seen a number of young men who believed that they were being watched—that, in fact, their entire lives were being recorded by, and orchestrated for, hidden cameras that followed them at all times. A few of the patients compared their situation to “The Truman Show,” a 1998 movie starring Jim Carrey as a man who discovers that he’s living in an elaborately produced TV program.NewYorker

How Reality TV Changed the Nature of Delusions

In 2012, a psychiatrist named Joel Gold published a paper in the journal Cognitive Neuropsychiatry describing a trend he had noticed among his patients. In the course of the preceding decade, he had seen a number of young men who believed that they were being watched—that, in fact, their entire lives were being recorded by, and orchestrated for, hidden cameras that followed them at all times. A few of the patients compared their situation to “The Truman Show,” a 1998 movie starring Jim Carrey as a man who discovers that he’s living in an elaborately produced TV program.
Several classic studies have concluded that the accuracy of identifying uncontrollable situations depends heavily on depressive mood. Nondepressed participants tend to exhibit an optimistic illusion of control, whereas depressed participants tend to better detect a lack of control. Recently, we suggested that the different activity levels (measured as the probability of responding during a contingency learning task) exhibited by depressed and nondepressed individuals is partly responsible for this effect.PLOSONE

Mediating Role of Activity Level in the Depressive Realism Effect

Several classic studies have concluded that the accuracy of identifying uncontrollable situations depends heavily on depressive mood. Nondepressed participants tend to exhibit an optimistic illusion of control, whereas depressed participants tend to better detect a lack of control. Recently, we suggested that the different activity levels (measured as the probability of responding during a contingency learning task) exhibited by depressed and nondepressed individuals is partly responsible for this effect.
Groundbreaking research shows that neurological health depends as much on signals sent by the body’s large, leg muscles to the brain as it does on directives from the brain to the muscles. Published in Frontiers in Neuroscience, the study fundamentally alters brain and nervous system medicine — giving doctors new clues as to why patients with motor neuron disease, multiple sclerosis, spinal muscular atrophy and other neurological diseases often rapidly decline when their movement becomes limited.frontiersin

Leg exercise is critical to brain and nervous system health

Groundbreaking research shows that neurological health depends as much on signals sent by the body’s large, leg muscles to the brain as it does on directives from the brain to the muscles. Published in Frontiers in Neuroscience, the study fundamentally alters brain and nervous system medicine — giving doctors new clues as to why patients with motor neuron disease, multiple sclerosis, spinal muscular atrophy and other neurological diseases often rapidly decline when their movement becomes limited.
Most people who undertake psychotherapy seem to benefit from it. How do we know? Arguably, the most important evidence comes from meta-analyses that combine the results from many – sometimes hundreds – of randomly controlled trials. Based on this, it’s been estimated that psychotherapy is effective for about 80 per cent of people (meanwhile, between five to 10 per cent of clients may suffer adverse effects).digest.bps

Have we overestimated the effectiveness of psychotherapy?

Most people who undertake psychotherapy seem to benefit from it. How do we know? Arguably, the most important evidence comes from meta-analyses that combine the results from many – sometimes hundreds – of randomly controlled trials. Based on this, it’s been estimated that psychotherapy is effective for about 80 per cent of people (meanwhile, between five to 10 per cent of clients may suffer adverse effects).
Evidence has mounted that the gut microbiome can influence neural development, brain chemistry and a wide range of behavioral phenomena, including emotional behavior, pain perception and how the stress system responds.APA

That gut feeling

Evidence has mounted that the gut microbiome can influence neural development, brain chemistry and a wide range of behavioral phenomena, including emotional behavior, pain perception and how the stress system responds.

The Americanization of Mental Illness

"For more than a generation now, we in the West have aggressively spread our modern knowledge of mental illness around the world. We have done this in the name of science, believing that our approaches reveal the biological basis of psychic suffering and dispel prescientific myths and harmful stigma. There is now good evidence to suggest that in the process of teaching the rest of the world to think like us, we’ve been exporting our Western “symptom repertoire” as well. That is, we’ve been changing not only the treatments but also the expression of mental illness in other cultures. Indeed, a handful of mental-health disorders — depression, post-traumatic stress disorder and anorexia among them — now appear to be spreading across cultures with the speed of contagious diseases. These symptom clusters are becoming the lingua franca of human suffering, replacing indigenous forms of mental illness."
If you were committed to a psychiatric institution, unsure if you’d ever return to the life you knew before, what would you take with you? That sobering question hovers like an apparition over each of the Willard Asylum suitcases.COLLECTORSWEEKLY

Abandoned Suitcases Reveal Private Lives of Insane Asylum Patients

If you were committed to a psychiatric institution, unsure if you’d ever return to the life you knew before, what would you take with you? That sobering question hovers like an apparition over each of the Willard Asylum suitcases.
In this issue of the journal, McGrath and associates examined whether age at first tobacco use was associated with diagnosed non-affective psychosis, hallucinations or delusion-like experiences among 3752 individuals born at the Mater Hospital in Brisbane, Australia, between 1981 and 1984 (McGrath et al., 2015). They found that those who commenced tobacco use aged 15 years or younger were significantly more like to have non-affective psychosis, delusion-like experiences and hallucinations.SAGEPUB

Tobacco and psychosis

In this issue of the journal, McGrath and associates examined whether age at first tobacco use was associated with diagnosed non-affective psychosis, hallucinations or delusion-like experiences among 3752 individuals born at the Mater Hospital in Brisbane, Australia, between 1981 and 1984 (McGrath et al., 2015). They found that those who commenced tobacco use aged 15 years or younger were significantly more like to have non-affective psychosis, delusion-like experiences and hallucinations.
I've always had trouble reading social cues, but in the strip club, where rules and roles are crystal clear, I finally learned to connect.narrative

Secret Life of an Autistic Stripper

I've always had trouble reading social cues, but in the strip club, where rules and roles are crystal clear, I finally learned to connect.
Your genome is the same right now as it was yesterday, last week, last year, or the day you were born. But your microbiomes—the combined genes of all the trillions of microbes that share your body—have shifted since the sun came up this morning. And they will change again before the next sunrise.NATIONALGEOGRAPHIC

How Jetlag Disrupts The Ticks of Your Microbial Clock

Your genome is the same right now as it was yesterday, last week, last year, or the day you were born. But your microbiomes—the combined genes of all the trillions of microbes that share your body—have shifted since the sun came up this morning. And they will change again before the next sunrise.

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