contain  multitudes  •  por  Padma  Dorje  •  fundado  em  2003
contain  multitudes
One day in the 1930s a group of men met at the Scottish Café in Lviv. Over glasses of cognac, they scribbled on the cafe's marble tabletops, and history was made. They were no ordinary guests. These men were Hugo Steinhaus, Stefan Banach and Stanisław Ulam – mathematicians who dreamt big, wrote poems, constructed the atomic bomb and helped organise the first flights to the

Maths, Madness and the Manhattan Project: the Eccentric Lives of Steinhaus, Banach and Ulam

One day in the 1930s a group of men met at the Scottish Café in Lviv. Over glasses of cognac, they scribbled on the cafe's marble tabletops, and history was made. They were no ordinary guests. These men were Hugo Steinhaus, Stefan Banach and Stanisław Ulam – mathematicians who dreamt big, wrote poems, constructed the atomic bomb and helped organise the first flights to the moon.
Document reveals that atomic bomb researcher bridled at American intentions for nuclear research, and blew the whistle. Andrew Masterson reports.Cosmos Magazine

Manhattan Project: Australian physicist alerted Britain to US secrecy plan

Document reveals that atomic bomb researcher bridled at American intentions for nuclear research, and blew the whistle. Andrew Masterson reports.

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todo conteúdo, design e programação por Eduardo Pinheiro, 2003-2024
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