contain  multitudes  •  por  Padma  Dorje  •  fundado  em  2003
contain  multitudes
For a long time it has been standard practice to ask visitors to “right click and save as” when downloading a file that the browser itself is capable of rendering, but where doing so is not desirable. One reason for doing this is to spare people from the annoying experience of accidentally clicking a link to a 25 MB PDF, which subsequently launches a browser plugin that of course crashes while trying to download and display the file.svarden

“Right click and save as” needs to go away

For a long time it has been standard practice to ask visitors to “right click and save as” when downloading a file that the browser itself is capable of rendering, but where doing so is not desirable. One reason for doing this is to spare people from the annoying experience of accidentally clicking a link to a 25 MB PDF, which subsequently launches a browser plugin that of course crashes while trying to download and display the file.
Have you ever pressed the pedestrian button at a crosswalk and wondered if it really worked? Or bashed the edition

Illusion of control: Why the world is full of buttons that don't work

Have you ever pressed the pedestrian button at a crosswalk and wondered if it really worked? Or bashed the "close door" button in an elevator, while suspecting that it may, in fact, have no effect whatsoever? You're not alone, and you may be right. The world is full of buttons that don't actually do anything.
I’m really digging these Polish movie posters of American films… especially the one for Rosemary’s Baby which is pictured above. I found a few of them perplexing, though. Like the one for Terms of Endearment. I get that it’s a mom and daughter talking on the phone, but I’m not sure it gets its message across all that clearly. And the Dirty Dancing poster. That one misses the dartboard entirely!DANGEROUSMINDS

Fantastic Polish movie posters of well-known American films

I’m really digging these Polish movie posters of American films… especially the one for Rosemary’s Baby which is pictured above. I found a few of them perplexing, though. Like the one for Terms of Endearment. I get that it’s a mom and daughter talking on the phone, but I’m not sure it gets its message across all that clearly. And the Dirty Dancing poster. That one misses the dartboard entirely!
To help promote a more proper Photoshop practice among his fellow designers, user interface designer Dan Rose has created a website called Photoship Etiquette.photoshopetiquette

How To Not Piss Off Other Designers

To help promote a more proper Photoshop practice among his fellow designers, user interface designer Dan Rose has created a website called Photoship Etiquette.
Reverting to traditional handicrafts is one way to sabotage the throwaway society. In this article, we discuss another possibility: the design of modular consumer products, whose parts and components could be re-used for the design of other products.lowtechmagazine

How to Make Everything Ourselves: Open Modular Hardware

Reverting to traditional handicrafts is one way to sabotage the throwaway society. In this article, we discuss another possibility: the design of modular consumer products, whose parts and components could be re-used for the design of other products.
From domestic appliances to clothing to children’s toys, everyday items from Soviet life are the subject of the new book Designed in the USSR: 1950 - 1989. It’s a comprehensive look at a momentous four decades, in which otherwise mundane products often had an additional purpose: to replicate items from the West, or to promote Soviet achievements.Atlas Obscura

The Overlooked Wonders of Soviet-Era Industrial Design

From domestic appliances to clothing to children’s toys, everyday items from Soviet life are the subject of the new book Designed in the USSR: 1950 - 1989. It’s a comprehensive look at a momentous four decades, in which otherwise mundane products often had an additional purpose: to replicate items from the West, or to promote Soviet achievements.

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Grupo de Whatasapp
(apenas anúncios)

todo conteúdo, design e programação por Eduardo Pinheiro, 2003-2024
(exceto onde esteja explicitamente indicado de outra forma)

Esta obra é licenciada em termos da CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 Creative Commons. Atribuição. Não comercial. Sem derivações.

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