contain  multitudes  •  por  Padma  Dorje  •  fundado  em  2003
contain  multitudes
In a 2014 article, Professor Shawn Bayern demonstrated that anyone can confer legal personhood on an autonomous computer algorithm by putting it in control of a limited liability company. Bayern’s demonstration coincided with the development of “autonomous” online businesses that operate independently of their human owners—accepting payments in online currencies and contracting with human agents to perform the off-line aspects of their businesses. About the same time, leading technologists Elon Musk, Bill Gates, and Stephen Hawking said that they regard human-level artificial intelligence as an existential threat to the human race.papers

Algorithmic Entities

In a 2014 article, Professor Shawn Bayern demonstrated that anyone can confer legal personhood on an autonomous computer algorithm by putting it in control of a limited liability company. Bayern’s demonstration coincided with the development of “autonomous” online businesses that operate independently of their human owners—accepting payments in online currencies and contracting with human agents to perform the off-line aspects of their businesses. About the same time, leading technologists Elon Musk, Bill Gates, and Stephen Hawking said that they regard human-level artificial intelligence as an existential threat to the human race.
Recently, some internationally renowned Buddhist teachers have expressed restrictions or criticisms regarding the notion of human rights. While these criticisms are valid and appropriate from a decolonial or geopolitical perspective, as well as within a framework strictly related to personal practice, the risk misinterpretation in the Brazilian context is

Buddhism, Political Engagement and Human Rights

Recently, some internationally renowned Buddhist teachers have expressed restrictions or criticisms regarding the notion of human rights. While these criticisms are valid and appropriate from a decolonial or geopolitical perspective, as well as within a framework strictly related to personal practice, the risk misinterpretation in the Brazilian context is immense.

Se você vê mérito nos tópicos tratados, divulgue — comente e partilhe nas redes sociais. É uma prática de generosidade que ajuda na minha própria prática de generosidade de produzir e disponibilizar esse conteúdo. Outras formas de ajudar.

Tigela de esmolas para contribuições.

Ajude (contribuições mensais):

◦ PayPal, em qualquer valor acima de 10 reais

◦ Mercado pago, contribuição mensal de qualquer valor.

Para contribuição única:

◦ Pelo PIX

◦ PayPal

◦ Mercado Pago

Grupo de Whatasapp
(apenas anúncios)

todo conteúdo, design e programação por Eduardo Pinheiro, 2003-2024
(exceto onde esteja explicitamente indicado de outra forma)

Esta obra é licenciada em termos da CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 Creative Commons. Atribuição. Não comercial. Sem derivações.

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