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HomeBuddhismBooks recommended by Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche

Books recommended by Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche

Esta página tem uma versão em português. (This page has a Brazilian Portuguese counterpart.)

I also have a list of Recommended Books on Buddhism and a more general (and personal) book recommendation page.

If you happen to know of recommendations made by Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche, either of books, songs or movies, please collaborate and send me the appropriate references to

All the links go the US amazon store, with any purchase you are helping this website. If you are in Brazil, please use the links at the portuguese version of this page.


Haruki Murakami
Norwegian Wood

Haruki Murakami
1q84 (book 1)

Soseki Natsume

Yasunari Kawabata
Snow Country

Mian Mian
Candy1“What an Amazing book. Every Buddhist teacher (specially Chinese Mahayana/Zen teachers) who wishes to propagate the dharma in the current time and environment should read this.” DJKR on Facebook.

Aldous Huxley
Brave New World

Isabel Allende
The House of Spirits (português brasileiro)

Gabriel García Márquez
Cem Anos de Solidão (português brasileiro)
2The book was mentioned, but Rinpoche may not have finished it.

Emily Bronte
O Morro dos Ventos Uivantes
3The book was mentioned, but Rinpoche may not have finished it.

Oscar Wilde
O Retrato de Dorian Gray (português brasileiro)


Anthony Storr
Feet of Clay - A study of gurus

Sam Harris
The End of Faith

Politics and economy

Ronald Colman
What Really Counts – The Case for a Sustainable and Equitable Economy

Edward S. Herman, Noam Chomsky
Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media

Joe Bageant
Deer Hunting with Jesus: Dispatches from America's Class War, Joe Bageant

Rajiv Malhotra
Being Different: An Different Challenge To Western Universalism

Tom Holland
Dominion: How the Christian Revolution Remade the World


Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan
A Sourcebook in Indian Philosophy

Aknowledgement to Mariel Hespanhol, who has sent me further references of books and movies she got while listening to Rinpoche’s teachings. A book reference was sent by William de Santa. This page is not affiliated to Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche and his organizations, for more information about this great teacher, check Siddharta's Intent.

1. ^ “What an Amazing book. Every Buddhist teacher (specially Chinese Mahayana/Zen teachers) who wishes to propagate the dharma in the current time and environment should read this.” DJKR on Facebook.

2. ^ The book was mentioned, but Rinpoche may not have finished it.

3. ^ The book was mentioned, but Rinpoche may not have finished it.

Devotion to one’s teacher is the lifeblood of the Vajrayana path. Because the guru can and will use whatever means it takes to wake us up, this relationship may require us to drop our most deeply held beliefs and expectations. Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse addresses some of the most misunderstood aspects of this powerful relationship and gives practical advice on making the most of this precious opportunity for transformation. Through stories and classical examples, he shows how to walk the path with eyes wide open, with critical-thinking skills sharpened and equipped to analyze the guru, before taking the

The Guru Drinks Bourbon?

Devotion to one’s teacher is the lifeblood of the Vajrayana path. Because the guru can and will use whatever means it takes to wake us up, this relationship may require us to drop our most deeply held beliefs and expectations. Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse addresses some of the most misunderstood aspects of this powerful relationship and gives practical advice on making the most of this precious opportunity for transformation. Through stories and classical examples, he shows how to walk the path with eyes wide open, with critical-thinking skills sharpened and equipped to analyze the guru, before taking the leap.
Reincarnation, no-self, and other Buddhist lessons from the popular HBO series. Have you been watching the first season of Westworld? Meditation teacher Jay Michaelson writes that the HBO show is TRICYCLE

The Dharma of Westworld

Reincarnation, no-self, and other Buddhist lessons from the popular HBO series. Have you been watching the first season of Westworld? Meditation teacher Jay Michaelson writes that the HBO show is "one of the most fascinating ruminations on the dharma" he's seen in American popular culture. // Well... I don't think so... but anyway, here's the link.
In March 2018, Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche gave teachings to the Rigpa Sangha in Berlin, London and Paris. These teachings are wonderful in any context, explain the Vajrayana practice of guru yoga in depth, and deal directly with the subject at hand.YouTube

Vajrayana Buddhism in the West: The Challenges and Misunderstandings of our Times

In March 2018, Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche gave teachings to the Rigpa Sangha in Berlin, London and Paris. These teachings are wonderful in any context, explain the Vajrayana practice of guru yoga in depth, and deal directly with the subject at hand.

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