contain  multitudes  •  por  Padma  Dorje  •  fundado  em  2003
contain  multitudes
Brussels-based artist Levente Szabó has gone ahead and done that thing we all love, designing new book covers for a bunch of iconic titles — and putting his final…FLAVORWIRE

Contemporary Pop Art Covers for ‘Lolita,’ ‘Brave New World,’ and Other Classic Novels

Brussels-based artist Levente Szabó has gone ahead and done that thing we all love, designing new book covers for a bunch of iconic titles — and putting his final…
Old furniture, broken cups, worn-out shoes and stinky mattresses: we don’t think twice about throwing things out that we don’t need anymore. And books? Here things are a bit different.MEDIEVALBOOKS

Destroying Medieval Books And Why That’s Useful

Old furniture, broken cups, worn-out shoes and stinky mattresses: we don’t think twice about throwing things out that we don’t need anymore. And books? Here things are a bit different.
The Paige Compositor was an invention developed by James W. Paige (1842–1917) between 1872 and 1888. It was designed to replace the human typesetter of a lead type-composed printing form with a mechanical arm. However, the machine was not nearly as precise as it should have been and never turned a profit because of its complexity and continual need for adjustment based upon trial and error.Wikipedia

Paige Compositor

The Paige Compositor was an invention developed by James W. Paige (1842–1917) between 1872 and 1888. It was designed to replace the human typesetter of a lead type-composed printing form with a mechanical arm. However, the machine was not nearly as precise as it should have been and never turned a profit because of its complexity and continual need for adjustment based upon trial and error.
Stephen Fry examines the story behind the first media entrepreneur, printing press inventor Johann Gutenberg, to find out why he did it and how, a story which involves both historical enquiry and hands-on craft and technology. Fry travels across Europe to find out how Gutenberg kept his development work secret, about the role of avaricious investors and unscrupulous competitors and why Gutenberg's approach started a cultural revolution. He then sets about building a copy of Gutenberg's press.BBC

The Machine That Made Us

Stephen Fry examines the story behind the first media entrepreneur, printing press inventor Johann Gutenberg, to find out why he did it and how, a story which involves both historical enquiry and hands-on craft and technology. Fry travels across Europe to find out how Gutenberg kept his development work secret, about the role of avaricious investors and unscrupulous competitors and why Gutenberg's approach started a cultural revolution. He then sets about building a copy of Gutenberg's press.

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todo conteúdo, design e programação por Eduardo Pinheiro, 2003-2024
(exceto onde esteja explicitamente indicado de outra forma)

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