contain  multitudes  •  by  Padma  Dorje  •  established  in  2003
contain  multitudes
HomeBuddhismThree verses of fake humility

Three verses of fake humility

It is not due to peerless humbleness
that I forsake spiritual and mundane status.
I forsake it because I stubbornly crave recognition.

It is not the case that I am relaxed in the true nature
and thus strive so inconsistently and am burdened by effort.
I am burdened because I am lazy, and that’s just a shame.

It is not that I am well versed in excuses,
but I do understand dharma.
So I can’t deceive myself and others.

Zhigpo Padma Dorje

Reincarnation, no-self, and other Buddhist lessons from the popular HBO series. Have you been watching the first season of Westworld? Meditation teacher Jay Michaelson writes that the HBO show is TRICYCLE

The Dharma of Westworld

Reincarnation, no-self, and other Buddhist lessons from the popular HBO series. Have you been watching the first season of Westworld? Meditation teacher Jay Michaelson writes that the HBO show is "one of the most fascinating ruminations on the dharma" he's seen in American popular culture. // Well... I don't think so... but anyway, here's the link.
A list of Buddhist books I personally vouch

Recommended Books on Buddhism

A list of Buddhist books I personally vouch for.
On of the tracks of Voice of Tibet, a CD by Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche, translated and transliterated for recitation. It is actually the beginning portion of the famous Karma Lingpa cycle's ngondro, which quaint orientalists used to call “Tibetan Book of the Dead”

Prayer upon awakening

On of the tracks of Voice of Tibet, a CD by Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche, translated and transliterated for recitation. It is actually the beginning portion of the famous Karma Lingpa cycle's ngondro, which quaint orientalists used to call “Tibetan Book of the Dead”.
Allen Ginsberg sings “Father Death Blues”, and relates two anecdotes on death involving his guru Trungpa Rinpoche. From the documentary “A Poet on the Lower ...YouTube

Allen Ginsberg - Father Death Blues

Allen Ginsberg sings “Father Death Blues”, and relates two anecdotes on death involving his guru Trungpa Rinpoche. From the documentary “A Poet on the Lower ...

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