contain  multitudes  •  by  Padma  Dorje  •  established  in  2003
contain  multitudes
HomeBuddhismAudio and videoBig TendrelTherapeutical bypass of Dharma

Therapeutical bypass of Dharma

On the other extreme from spiritual bypass — using your path as an excuse for not dealing with the commonsense practicalities of money and relationships — lies therapeutical bypass. That is the idea that you need your life in order even before you think to start practicing the Dharma.

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• Podcast download.

Not for Happiness (book by Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche at

Complete list of videos on the Big Tendrel YouTube Channel, with descriptions.

Dharma centers I recommend.

The Bhutanese censor board has declared that the movie by the filmmaker of ‘The Cup’ offends religious

The use of masks in film ‘Hema Hema’ earns acclaimed director Khyentse Norbu a ban

The Bhutanese censor board has declared that the movie by the filmmaker of ‘The Cup’ offends religious sentiments.
This excellent article was originally published in the September 1997 edition of Shambhala Sun Magazine. Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse calls on Westerners to…VAJRATOOL

The Distortions We Bring To The Study of Buddhism

This excellent article was originally published in the September 1997 edition of Shambhala Sun Magazine. Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse calls on Westerners to…
Memories are not for enlightened beings. Enlightened beings don’t remember because, for them, there is no past. Past—and for that matter present and future—are for beings like us, who use the past as a reference and then expect and assume that the future…Mugwortborn

EPISODE SIX: On Memory and Elegance

Memories are not for enlightened beings. Enlightened beings don’t remember because, for them, there is no past. Past—and for that matter present and future—are for beings like us, who use the past as a reference and then expect and assume that the future…
An ambitious and wordly man -- highly skeptical about a sudden, mysterious threat to his life -- must find an exceptional and magical woman if he is to survive more than seven dayslookingfor

Looking for a Lady with Fangs and a Moustache

An ambitious and wordly man -- highly skeptical about a sudden, mysterious threat to his life -- must find an exceptional and magical woman if he is to survive more than seven days

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Padma Dorje.






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