contain  multitudes  •  by  Padma  Dorje  •  established  in  2003
contain  multitudes
HomeBuddhismAudio and videoBig TendrelTherapeutical bypass of Dharma

Therapeutical bypass of Dharma

On the other extreme from spiritual bypass — using your path as an excuse for not dealing with the commonsense practicalities of money and relationships — lies therapeutical bypass. That is the idea that you need your life in order even before you think to start practicing the Dharma.

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• Podcast download.

Not for Happiness (book by Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche at

Complete list of videos on the Big Tendrel YouTube Channel, with descriptions.

Dharma centers I recommend.

Recently, some internationally renowned Buddhist teachers have expressed restrictions or criticisms regarding the notion of human rights. While these criticisms are valid and appropriate from a decolonial or geopolitical perspective, as well as within a framework strictly related to personal practice, the risk misinterpretation in the Brazilian context is

Buddhism, Political Engagement and Human Rights

Recently, some internationally renowned Buddhist teachers have expressed restrictions or criticisms regarding the notion of human rights. While these criticisms are valid and appropriate from a decolonial or geopolitical perspective, as well as within a framework strictly related to personal practice, the risk misinterpretation in the Brazilian context is immense.
This a recitation for the second and third chapters of The King of Samadhis

Recitation: The King of Samadhis Sutra 02-03

This a recitation for the second and third chapters of The King of Samadhis Sutra.
“If at the time of Gendun Chopel, the Tibetan people and the Tibetan government had lent even half an ear to him and acted accordingly, I have no doubt that Tibet and the Tibetan people would be in a different position than they are today. A better one. It is quite amazing that out of Tibet, which is usually considered a primitive, orthodox, forbidden land, someone like Gendun Chopel emerged. His remarkable poetry is a fitting legacy of this unique figure in modern Tibetan history.” ~ Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpocheamazon

Forest of Faded Wisdom

“If at the time of Gendun Chopel, the Tibetan people and the Tibetan government had lent even half an ear to him and acted accordingly, I have no doubt that Tibet and the Tibetan people would be in a different position than they are today. A better one. It is quite amazing that out of Tibet, which is usually considered a primitive, orthodox, forbidden land, someone like Gendun Chopel emerged. His remarkable poetry is a fitting legacy of this unique figure in modern Tibetan history.” ~ Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche

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Padma Dorje.





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