contain  multitudes  •  por  Padma  Dorje  •  fundado  em  2003
contain  multitudes
Take a quick glance at the annals of literature and you can find madness in bucketloads: Hemingway undergoing painful electroconvulsive treatment, Robert Lowell’s stint in McLean Hospital, David Foster Wallace’s post-suicide canonization, Virginia Woolf with her pockets stuffed full of stones. Suffering can seem like a vital ingredient in the production of great art.THE-TLS

The literary glamour of madness

Take a quick glance at the annals of literature and you can find madness in bucketloads: Hemingway undergoing painful electroconvulsive treatment, Robert Lowell’s stint in McLean Hospital, David Foster Wallace’s post-suicide canonization, Virginia Woolf with her pockets stuffed full of stones. Suffering can seem like a vital ingredient in the production of great art.
One way of describing the Incompleteness Theorems (1931) of the Austrian logician Kurt Gödel is to say that he proved, in the form of a mathematical theorem, that the possibility of a fully automated mathematics can never be realized.the-tls

Kurt Gödel and the mechanization of mathematics

One way of describing the Incompleteness Theorems (1931) of the Austrian logician Kurt Gödel is to say that he proved, in the form of a mathematical theorem, that the possibility of a fully automated mathematics can never be realized.
Stephen Brown on ‘the problem that Mozart poses for our contemporary ears’: explosions of invention within a tightly structured geometrythe-tls

Mozart: Rational revolutionary

Stephen Brown on ‘the problem that Mozart poses for our contemporary ears’: explosions of invention within a tightly structured geometry

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todo conteúdo, design e programação por Eduardo Pinheiro, 2003-2024
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