contain  multitudes  •  por  Padma  Dorje  •  fundado  em  2003
contain  multitudes
Researchers at MIT, Microsoft, and Adobe have developed an algorithm that can reconstruct an audio signal by analyzing minute vibrations of objects depicted in video. In one set of experiments, they were able to recover intelligible speech from the vibrations of a potato-chip bag photographed from 15 feet away through soundproof glass.PHYS

Algorithm recovers speech from potato chip bag

Researchers at MIT, Microsoft, and Adobe have developed an algorithm that can reconstruct an audio signal by analyzing minute vibrations of objects depicted in video. In one set of experiments, they were able to recover intelligible speech from the vibrations of a potato-chip bag photographed from 15 feet away through soundproof glass.
The common aversion to clashing harmonies seems to be due to mathematical relationships of overtones.NATURE

Why dissonant music strikes the wrong chord in the brain

The common aversion to clashing harmonies seems to be due to mathematical relationships of overtones.
Computer analysis of a piece of foil reveals audio captured by a Thomas Edison-invented phonograph in St. Louis in 1878.TheAtlantic

Scientists Recover the Sounds of 19th-Century Music and Laughter

Computer analysis of a piece of foil reveals audio captured by a Thomas Edison-invented phonograph in St. Louis in 1878.
Infrasonic sound can have very unusual non-auditory effects on the body. But does it kill?POPSCI

Could A Sonic Weapon Make Your Head Explode?

Infrasonic sound can have very unusual non-auditory effects on the body. But does it kill?

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todo conteúdo, design e programação por Eduardo Pinheiro, 2003-2024
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