contain  multitudes  •  por  Padma  Dorje  •  fundado  em  2003
contain  multitudes
The old tale about science versus the church is wide of the

The Popular Creation Story of Astronomy Is Wrong

The old tale about science versus the church is wide of the mark.
What they are doing? Can something like that work? No understanding of internedepence, just gross causality, can't create effective rituals.TheAtlantic

A Design Lab Is Making Rituals for Secular People

What they are doing? Can something like that work? No understanding of internedepence, just gross causality, can't create effective rituals.
Far from me to defend Philosophy, but this is actually an accurate criticism. He annoys the hell out of me. He is just so damn simplistic. (Carl Sagan, after puberty -- mine --, also became an annoyance. I used to like the old Cosmos, but when Contact came out I was already loathing the guy).3quarksdaily

Why Neil deGrasse Tyson is a philistine

Far from me to defend Philosophy, but this is actually an accurate criticism. He annoys the hell out of me. He is just so damn simplistic. (Carl Sagan, after puberty -- mine --, also became an annoyance. I used to like the old Cosmos, but when Contact came out I was already loathing the guy).
Can scientists have too much faith, insisting that an idea is right despite contrary evidence? Commentator Marcelo Gleiser says yes, which could pay off in the end — or be a colossal waste of time.NPR

Can Scientific Belief Go Too Far?

Can scientists have too much faith, insisting that an idea is right despite contrary evidence? Commentator Marcelo Gleiser says yes, which could pay off in the end — or be a colossal waste of time.

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