Quotes by Shechen Rabjam Rinpoche

When receiving Dharma teachings, prepare yourself to get the most out of what you read or hear. First, generate the right motivation. Bodhicitta, the mind of enlightenment, is necessary for receiving these teachings and putting them into practice. Bodhicitta is the precious motivation of working to perfect yourself to achieve buddhahood in order to help free all sentient beings from suffering.
If you do not implement the teachings, your destructive emotions and self clinging will not diminish, and the Dharma instructions will be of no use to you, no matter how many you receive.
Sometimes you might doubt that all sentient beings have buddha-nature. You might find it hard to imagine that this potential for compassion exists in everyone when violence, massacres, genocide, and “ethnic cleansing” are happening throughout the world. You might even begin to believe that human nature is basically evil. But this is not the case. If, through introspection and meditation, you look deeply at the mind itself, you will apprehend the most fundamental aspect of consciousness, pure awareness. This nature of mind remains unspoiled even though obscuring emotions might temporarily cover it. (GM)
If you’ve been practicing for years, you should be seeing some results, If you’re not, you may be missing the point.
The result of spiritual practice should be our inner transformation into better human beings. After practicing for months or years, we should be less prone to anger, pride, and jealousy. Our practice should lead us to a vaster, calmer mind.
For example, the whole point of dieting is to lose a few pounds, not to collect knowledge and become an expert on each and every diet. You may have heard about different diets and read many books, but you won’t lose weight unless you put one of them into practice in your everyday life. Similarly, if you do not implement the teachings, your destructive emotions and self clinging will not diminish, and the Dharma instructions will be of no use to you, no matter how many you receive.
Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche always used to emphasize the importance of unifying the practice and your life. He said, "It is not when things go well that you can judge a true practitioner. But when adverse circumstances arise, then you can clearly see the shortcomings of the practice." Mind training should become an integral part of your ongoing experience, a practice that you can apply whatever the conditions. When this happens, difficult circumstances will not dishearten you nor will favorable ones elevate you. Check repeatedly to see whether your way of being and the teachings have become one and whether you can apply them in any situation. (GM)
Those who become Buddhas put others before themselves. Doing so is the secret to their success on the path to enlightenment. Their determination to be of benefit to others allows them to accomplish two goals: they help others, and at the same time, without trying, they achieve their own temporary and ultimate happiness.
Be a kind human.
Kindness make you the most
Beautiful person in the world,
No matter what you look like
You might feel that you have some control of the mind or have made some progress in your practice, yet as soon as difficulties confront you, the mental poisons overwhelm your mind with the same strength as before. If this happens try to determine whether you are becoming a better being or not. Are you slowly getting free of the disturbing emotions? Are you enjoying the fulfillment of inner freedom?
After years of practice, we should gain a sense of inner peace and become less vulnerable to outer circumstance. Masters such as Patrul Rinpoche experienced great joy and profound happiness as a result of their Dharma practice. Inner freedom, relaxed and open happiness, and joy will arise when disturbing emotions and mental confusions disappear. In contrast, we will have missed the point of the practice if our mental poisons are still all-powerful, torment us constantly, and cause us to remain preoccupied with ourselves.
GM - The Great Medicine That Conquers Clinging to the Notion of Reality.

Quotes by Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche
Uncompromising unabashed carefree revealer of deep truth.

Returning to the world
You have to go beyond duality and you also have to go beyond nonduality at the same time. You have to return to duality: that is the final goal. It is like the ox-herding pictures: finally you return to the world, with a big belly and with the ox behind you. That picture, returning to the world, is the final point. So you have duality; then you discover nonduality because of duality; then you transcend both nonduality and duality because of them. ~ Chögyam Trungpa in The Teacup and the Skullcup

Quotes by Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche
Holder of the ultimate recognition, a bold, dramatic and utterly sweet-intense teacher for all us barbarians in this degenerate time.

Rabjam Rinpoche Recalls Trungpa Rinpoche
Interview by Vivian Kurz and Mark Elliott; video recording by Mark Elliott. Location: Kathmandu 2017