contain  multitudes  •  por  Padma  Dorje  •  fundado  em  2003
contain  multitudes
When is a liquid not a liquid? When it's a colloid and very cold. That's what a pair of physicists has found after creating a computer simulation of a liquidlike state is more stable than the solid crystal.LIVESCIENCE

Bizarre Liquid More Stable Than Solid Crystal

When is a liquid not a liquid? When it's a colloid and very cold. That's what a pair of physicists has found after creating a computer simulation of a liquidlike state is more stable than the solid crystal.
Historical. // A few weeks ago, Hensen et al., of the Delft University of Technology and Barcelona, Spain, put out a paper reporting the first experiment that violates the Bell inequality in a way that closes off the two main loopholes simultaneously: the locality and detection loopholes. // The violation of the Bell inequality has a schizophrenic status in physics. To many of the physicists I know, Nature’s violating the Bell inequality is so trivial and obvious that it’s barely even worth doing the experiment: if people had just understood and believed Bohr and Heisenberg back in 1925, there would’ve been no need for this whole tiresome discussion. To others, however, the Bell inequality violation remains so unacceptable that some way must be found around it—from casting doubt on the experiments that have been done, to overthrowing basic presuppositions of science (e.g., our own “freedom” to generate random bits x and y to send to Alice and Bob respectively).SCOTTAARONSON

Bell inequality violation finally done right

Historical. // A few weeks ago, Hensen et al., of the Delft University of Technology and Barcelona, Spain, put out a paper reporting the first experiment that violates the Bell inequality in a way that closes off the two main loopholes simultaneously: the locality and detection loopholes. // The violation of the Bell inequality has a schizophrenic status in physics. To many of the physicists I know, Nature’s violating the Bell inequality is so trivial and obvious that it’s barely even worth doing the experiment: if people had just understood and believed Bohr and Heisenberg back in 1925, there would’ve been no need for this whole tiresome discussion. To others, however, the Bell inequality violation remains so unacceptable that some way must be found around it—from casting doubt on the experiments that have been done, to overthrowing basic presuppositions of science (e.g., our own “freedom” to generate random bits x and y to send to Alice and Bob respectively).
Self organization of large-scale structures in nature - either coherent structures like crystals, or incoherent dynamic structures like clouds - is governed by long-range interactions. In many problems, hydrodynamics and electrostatics are the source of such long-range interactions. The tuning of electrostatic interactions has helped to elucidate when coherent crystalline structures or incoherent amorphous structures form in colloidal systems.NATURE

Self organization of exotic oil-in-oil phases driven by tunable electrohydrodynamics

Self organization of large-scale structures in nature - either coherent structures like crystals, or incoherent dynamic structures like clouds - is governed by long-range interactions. In many problems, hydrodynamics and electrostatics are the source of such long-range interactions. The tuning of electrostatic interactions has helped to elucidate when coherent crystalline structures or incoherent amorphous structures form in colloidal systems.
How to predict the path of a quantum particle. Part 3 in our Quantum Field Theory Series.YouTube

Feynman's Infinite Quantum Paths

How to predict the path of a quantum particle. Part 3 in our Quantum Field Theory Series.
There's an effect of special relativity which was observed, if not understood, by the ancients: the yellow gleam of gold.FOURMILAB

What Gives Gold that Mellow Glow?

There's an effect of special relativity which was observed, if not understood, by the ancients: the yellow gleam of gold.
From the inception of Quantum Mechanics (QM) the concept of measurement proved a source of difficulties that found concrete expression in the Einstein-Bohr debates, out of which both the Einstein Podolsky Rosen paradox and Schrödinger's cat paradox developed.SEP

Philosophical Issues in Quantum Theory

From the inception of Quantum Mechanics (QM) the concept of measurement proved a source of difficulties that found concrete expression in the Einstein-Bohr debates, out of which both the Einstein Podolsky Rosen paradox and Schrödinger's cat paradox developed.
Just how far can we go with processing speed? Physicist Professor Phil Moriarty talks about the hard limits of computing.YouTube

Computing Limit

Just how far can we go with processing speed? Physicist Professor Phil Moriarty talks about the hard limits of computing.
After the success of the Standard Model, experiments have stopped answering to grand theories. Is particle physics in crisis?Aeon

Going nowhere fast

After the success of the Standard Model, experiments have stopped answering to grand theories. Is particle physics in crisis?
The theoretical physicist John Wheeler once used the phrase “great smoky dragon” to describe a particle of light going from a source to a photon counter. “The mouth of the dragon is sharp, where it bites the counter. The tail of the dragon is sharp, where the photon starts,” Wheeler wrote. The photon, in other words, has definite reality at the beginning and end. But its state in the middle—the dragon’s body—is nebulous. “What the dragon does or looks like in between we have no right to speak.”wired

Loopholes and the 'Anti-Realism' of the Quantum World

The theoretical physicist John Wheeler once used the phrase “great smoky dragon” to describe a particle of light going from a source to a photon counter. “The mouth of the dragon is sharp, where it bites the counter. The tail of the dragon is sharp, where the photon starts,” Wheeler wrote. The photon, in other words, has definite reality at the beginning and end. But its state in the middle—the dragon’s body—is nebulous. “What the dragon does or looks like in between we have no right to speak.”
“'It from bit' symbolizes the idea that every item of the physical world has at bottom—a very deep bottom, in most instances—an immaterial source and explanation; that which we call reality arises in the last analysis from the posing of yes–no questions and the registering of equipment-evoked responses; in short, that all things physical are information-theoretic in origin and that this is a participatory universe.”Wikipedia

John Archibald Wheeler

“'It from bit' symbolizes the idea that every item of the physical world has at bottom—a very deep bottom, in most instances—an immaterial source and explanation; that which we call reality arises in the last analysis from the posing of yes–no questions and the registering of equipment-evoked responses; in short, that all things physical are information-theoretic in origin and that this is a participatory universe.”
In the past fifty years two large branches of physical science have each made a historic transition. I recall both cosmology and elementary particle physics in the early 1960s as cacophonies of competing conjectures. By now in each case we have a widely accepted theory, known as a “standard model.”NYBOOKS

Physics: What We Do and Don’t Know

In the past fifty years two large branches of physical science have each made a historic transition. I recall both cosmology and elementary particle physics in the early 1960s as cacophonies of competing conjectures. By now in each case we have a widely accepted theory, known as a “standard model.”
To be clear, Patla’s group hasn’t definitively proven that the laws of physics are unchanging across all time and space. All they can say is that in the last 14 years, the laws of physics have not changed in our neck of the universe, according to the best tools that human engineering can provide. Still, they can now say this with five times more certainty than they could a decade ago.Wired

These Physicists Watched a Clock Tick for 14 Years Straight

To be clear, Patla’s group hasn’t definitively proven that the laws of physics are unchanging across all time and space. All they can say is that in the last 14 years, the laws of physics have not changed in our neck of the universe, according to the best tools that human engineering can provide. Still, they can now say this with five times more certainty than they could a decade ago.
The search for links. John Archibald Wheeler. (PDF)CQI.INF.USI

Information, Physics, Quantum

The search for links. John Archibald Wheeler. (PDF)
Bohr's train to Leiden made a stop in Hamburg, where he was met by Pauli and Stern who had come to the station to ask him what he thought about spin.commandcenter

A new Copenhagen heresy

Bohr's train to Leiden made a stop in Hamburg, where he was met by Pauli and Stern who had come to the station to ask him what he thought about spin.
Researchers at the LHC detect one of the rarest particle decays seen in nature - and the find threatens a popular theory physicists have been backing.BBC

Supersymmetry theory dealt a blow

Researchers at the LHC detect one of the rarest particle decays seen in nature - and the find threatens a popular theory physicists have been backing.
Metaphorical economics; or, the metaphor is the message, by John PullenPDF

How economy uses metaphors from physics

Metaphorical economics; or, the metaphor is the message, by John Pullen
Scientists working to create the perfect atomic clock have a fundamental problem: Right now, on the ceiling, time is passing just a bit faster than it is on the floor.NPR

New Clock May End Time As We Know It

Scientists working to create the perfect atomic clock have a fundamental problem: Right now, on the ceiling, time is passing just a bit faster than it is on the floor.
Richard Feynman, one of the greatest science teachers ever, asks a wave to tell him a story.NPR

Tell Me, Wave, Where Did You Come From? Who Made You?

Richard Feynman, one of the greatest science teachers ever, asks a wave to tell him a story.
Nothing is moving in the foundations of physics. One experiment after the other is returning null results: No new particles, no new dimensions, no new symmetries. Sure, there are some anomalies in the data here and there, and maybe one of them will turn out to be real news. But experimentalists are just poking in the dark. They have no clue where new physics may be to find. And their colleagues in theory development are of no help.backreaction

The present phase of stagnation in physics is not normal

Nothing is moving in the foundations of physics. One experiment after the other is returning null results: No new particles, no new dimensions, no new symmetries. Sure, there are some anomalies in the data here and there, and maybe one of them will turn out to be real news. But experimentalists are just poking in the dark. They have no clue where new physics may be to find. And their colleagues in theory development are of no help.

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