contain  multitudes  •  por  Padma  Dorje  •  fundado  em  2003
contain  multitudes
The Best Signs From The March For Science9gag

What Happens When You Piss Of The Scientists

The Best Signs From The March For Science
An illegal number is a number that represents information which is illegal to possess, utter, propagate, or otherwise transmit in some legal jurisdiction. Any piece of digital information is representable as a number.Wikipedia

Illegal number

An illegal number is a number that represents information which is illegal to possess, utter, propagate, or otherwise transmit in some legal jurisdiction. Any piece of digital information is representable as a number.
Hitler faces the awful truth: arithmetic is incomplete.YouTube

Hitler against Godel's Theorem

Hitler faces the awful truth: arithmetic is incomplete.
ride and Prejudice is 130,000 words, Moby Dick is 215,136 words (or 215,136 meows). And we all know 50,000 is the gold standard for a novel! So how can we reduce the word count?GITHUB

Pride, Prejudice

ride and Prejudice is 130,000 words, Moby Dick is 215,136 words (or 215,136 meows). And we all know 50,000 is the gold standard for a novel! So how can we reduce the word count?
John Belushi & Dan Aykroyd on Saturday Night Live. 1978. First Blues Brothers appearance.DAILYMOTION

The Blues Brothers King Bee

John Belushi & Dan Aykroyd on Saturday Night Live. 1978. First Blues Brothers appearance.
If you like punishment, you'll like this video.YouTube

Gilbert Gottfried Reads 50 Shades of Grey

If you like punishment, you'll like this video.
Psychiatric facilities across the United States are at breaking point after the number of people claiming to be sent from the future to stop Donald Trump reached…Newsthump

Psychiatric hospitals filling up with time travellers sent back to kill Donald Trump

Psychiatric facilities across the United States are at breaking point after the number of people claiming to be sent from the future to stop Donald Trump reached…
Below are all of the bands playing at Ingolstadt at the Walpurgisnacht rock festival in the Illuminatus! trilogy. They are all relevant.EVERYTHING2

Illuminatus! bands

Below are all of the bands playing at Ingolstadt at the Walpurgisnacht rock festival in the Illuminatus! trilogy. They are all relevant.
Pictures. Meet Ben, Bella, Sherlock and Sydney – the elegant goats turned into portraits by Kevin Horan. As the American photographer explains, he just treated them ‘like customers in a small-town photo studio’Guardian

Gorgeous goats

Pictures. Meet Ben, Bella, Sherlock and Sydney – the elegant goats turned into portraits by Kevin Horan. As the American photographer explains, he just treated them ‘like customers in a small-town photo studio’
South Korean Singer, Rapper, Composer, Dancer and Creator of Gangnam Style PSY. AMA on Reddit.Reddit

Psy, why were you so mad at that girl's ass?

South Korean Singer, Rapper, Composer, Dancer and Creator of Gangnam Style PSY. AMA on Reddit.
Some wireless internet users have been setting their network names to send snide messages to their neighbours. Why?BBC

The rise of passive-aggressive wi-fi names

Some wireless internet users have been setting their network names to send snide messages to their neighbours. Why?
Overthrowing centuries of injustice one nap at a time.BUZZFEED

26 Cats Working Towards The Destruction Of The Patriarchy

Overthrowing centuries of injustice one nap at a time.
Meep Meep Meep Meep Meep Meep Meep Meep Meep Meep Meep Meep Meeeeeeeeeep Meep-Meep (c) 2009YouTube

Ode To Joy

Meep Meep Meep Meep Meep Meep Meep Meep Meep Meep Meep Meep Meeeeeeeeeep Meep-Meep (c) 2009
Samsara is a bummer.YouTube

Fireplace Fairy

Samsara is a bummer.

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todo conteúdo, design e programação por Eduardo Pinheiro, 2003-2024
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