contain  multitudes  •  por  Padma  Dorje  •  fundado  em  2003
contain  multitudes
PIM is the activities people perform in order to acquire, organize, maintain, retrieve and use personal information items such as documents (paper-based and digital), web pages and email messages for everyday use to complete tasks (work-related or not) and fulfill a person's various roles (as parent, employee, friend, member of community, etc.).Wikipedia

Personal information management

PIM is the activities people perform in order to acquire, organize, maintain, retrieve and use personal information items such as documents (paper-based and digital), web pages and email messages for everyday use to complete tasks (work-related or not) and fulfill a person's various roles (as parent, employee, friend, member of community, etc.).
One of the worst hidden bias of modern science. // Teleology in biology is the use of the language of goal-directedness in accounts of evolutionary adaptation, which some biologists and philosophers of science find problematic. The term teleonomy has also been proposed.Wikipedia

Teleology in biology

One of the worst hidden bias of modern science. // Teleology in biology is the use of the language of goal-directedness in accounts of evolutionary adaptation, which some biologists and philosophers of science find problematic. The term teleonomy has also been proposed.
Xenocentrism is the preference for the products, styles, or ideas of someone else's culture rather than of one's own. One example is the romanticization of the noble savage in the 18th-century primitivism movement in European art, philosophy and ethnography.Wikipedia


Xenocentrism is the preference for the products, styles, or ideas of someone else's culture rather than of one's own. One example is the romanticization of the noble savage in the 18th-century primitivism movement in European art, philosophy and ethnography.

Se você vê mérito nos tópicos tratados, divulgue -- comente e partilhe nas redes sociais. É uma prática de generosidade que ajuda na minha própria prática de generosidade de produzir e disponibilizar esse conteúdo. Outras formas de ajudar.

Tigela de esmolas para contribuições.

Ajude (contribuições mensais):

• PayPal, em qualquer valor acima de 10 reais

• Stripe, 30 reais por mês

• Mercado pago, contribuição mensal de qualquer valor.

Para contribuição única:

• Pelo PIX

• PayPal

• Stripe

• Mercado Pago

todo conteúdo, design e programação por Eduardo Pinheiro, 2003-2024
(exceto onde esteja explicitamente indicado de outra forma)

Esta obra é licenciada em termos da CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 Creative Commons. Atribuição. Não comercial. Sem derivações.

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