contain  multitudes  •  by  Padma  Dorje  •  established  in  2003
contain  multitudes
HomePersonalBooks I am currently reading

Books I am currently reading

Esta página tem uma versão em português. (This page has a Brazilian Portuguese counterpart.)

I am presently focusing on Brothers Karamazov (Pevear's translation), Grains of Gold and Finding Rest in the Nature of Mind. Also I have been studying for quite some time The Beacon of Certainty.

I am also currently reading the following books:

Davis, Norbert
The Mouse in the Mountain

Lingpa, Traktung Dudjom
A Clear Mirror: The Visionary Autobiography of a Tibetan Master

Kafka, Franz
The Trial (annotated)

Koppl, Heidi I.
Establishing Appearances as Divine: Rongzom Chökyi Zangpo on Reasoning, Madhyamaka, and Purity

Lingpa, Jigme
Deity Mantra and Wisdom: Development Stage Meditation in Tibetan Buddhist Tantra

McMahan, David L.
The making of Buddhist modernism

Nabokov, Vladimir & Appel, Alfred Jr.
The Annotated Lolita

Stiglitz, Joseph E.
The Price of Inequality: How Today's Divided Society Endangers Our Future

Tarkovsky, Andrey & Hunter-Blair, Kitty
Sculpting in Time: Tarkovsky the Great Russian Filmaker Discusses His Art

Thondup, Tulku
Incarnation: The History and Mysticism of the Tulku Tradition of Tibet

Tolstoi, Leo
The Gospel in Brief (Condren's translation)

Toole, John Kennedy & Percy, Walker
A Confederacy of Dunces

Trungpa, Chogyam
Work, Sex, Money: Real Life on the Path of Mindfulness

At some point, I need to check these out:

Adeu, Rinpoche
Freedom in Bondage: The Life and Teachings of Adeu Rinpoche

Aldiss, Brian
Barefoot in the Head

Almeida, Iván & Parodi, Cristina
El Fragmento Infinito. Estudios Sobre “Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius” De J.L. Borges

Bloch, William Goldbloom
The Unimaginable Mathematics of Borges' Library of Babel

Cavell, Stanley
Cavell on Film

Cavell, Stanley
The Claim of Reason: Wittgenstein, Skepticism, Morality, and Tragedy

Dangerfield, Rodney
It's Not Easy Bein' Me: A Lifetime of No Respect but Plenty of Sex and Drugs

Davis, Todd F.
Kurt Vonnegut's Crusade: Or, How a Postmodern Harlequin Preached a New Kind of Humanism

Delany, Samuel R.

Devi, Debra
The Language of the Blues: From Alcorub to Zuzu

Dongyal, Khenpo Tsewang
Light of Fearless Indestructible Wisdom: The Life and Legacy of H. H. Dudjom Rinpoche

Gardner, Charles
William Blake, the Man

Irwin, William
Arrested Development and Philosophy: They've Made a Huge Mistake

Ivanhoe, P. J. & Norden, Bryan William van
Readings in Classical Chinese Philosophy

Janouch, Gustav
Conversations With Kafka

Lempert, Michael
Discipline and Debate: The Language of Violence in a Tibetan Buddhist Monastery

Lhundrup Dargye
The Hidden Life of the Sixth Dalai Lama

Lingpa, Pema
The Life and Revelations of Pema Lingpa

Tsoknyi Rinpoche
Carefree Dignity: Discourses on Training in the Nature of Mind

Zoglin, Richard
Comedy at the Edge: How Stand-Up in the 1970s Changed America


See also books that deeply impressed me.

The page pertaining to this URL was last updated in 07/02/24.

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