contain  multitudes  •  por  Padma  Dorje  •  fundado  em  2003
contain  multitudes
The forgotten, flavorsome Big Mike is elusive, but not impossible to find.atlasobscura

A Quest for the Gros Michel, the Great Banana of Yesteryear

The forgotten, flavorsome Big Mike is elusive, but not impossible to find.
The fake news that took the former Soviet Union by storm.ATLASOBSCURA

How Vladimir Lenin Became a Mushroom

The fake news that took the former Soviet Union by storm.
“It may be a little irksome at first, but you’ll soon get used to it.”ATLASOBSCURA

When Gas Masks Were an Inescapable Part of Everyday Life

“It may be a little irksome at first, but you’ll soon get used to it.”
Hidden out of public view in the National Library of Israel is a collection of atlasobscura

National Library of Israel's Hidden "Stalag" Collection

Hidden out of public view in the National Library of Israel is a collection of "Stalag's," 1960s Nazi themed porno paperbacks written and consumed by Israelis.
Yaupon tea, a botanical cousin to yerba maté, is now almost unknown.atlasobscura

The Forgotten Drink That Caffeinated North America for Centuries

Yaupon tea, a botanical cousin to yerba maté, is now almost unknown.
How folk tales and traditional life snuck into avant-garde kids’ books in the 1930s.atlasobscura

The Soviet Children’s Books That Broke the Rules of Propaganda

How folk tales and traditional life snuck into avant-garde kids’ books in the 1930s.
“Butter eater” was once a terrible insult.atlasobscura

Remembering When Only Barbarians Drank Milk

“Butter eater” was once a terrible insult.

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todo conteúdo, design e programação por Eduardo Pinheiro, 2003-2024
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