Activism: causes and principles I stand for
◦ Against smoking and all drugs, ostracism (on a personal level) to those who actively defend using them.
◦ Fast food chains and Shopping Malls: never using when there is a viable option available.
◦ Videogames: not playing and ostracism (on a personal level) to those who actively defend it as something beneficial or innocuous.
◦ Avoiding industrial made sugary/diet soft drinks.
◦ Actively avoiding anything connected with intrusive or excessive publicity. Against any form of invasion to the daily flow of consciousness in order to sell something or some idea.
◦ While using social networks, to avoid mere criticism. Not to be kind (likes, +1, favorites, shares, comments, retweets) to mere criticisms without an activist basis such as the ones described here.
◦ More animal rights.
Causes on a civil level
◦ Absolute freedom of private communications, including copies of copyrighted files through peer to peer networks.
◦ Freedom and anonymity (not guaranteed by the Brazilian bill of rights) of public speech, all due civil restrictions guarded (defamation, hate speech).
◦ Severe limitations on advertisement, for instance prohibition of street advertisement (sound, visual) of any kind.
◦ Decreasing the time of copyright royalties to something around 5 years.
◦ Profound reform on patent law, which is obcene for pharmaceutics, and causes unproductive results to many areas, e.g. software.
◦ Limitation or elimination of possibilities and notions around corporate personhood.
◦ Gun control on civil populations on all contries.
◦ Internet neutrality.
◦ Free speech with privacy and anonymity.
◦ For the continuous regulation of financial markets, particularly "high frequency trades" and such.
◦ Regulation for compulsory release of prices and conditions on public databases for easy consult and comparison.
◦ Radical Transparency.
◦ Direct democracy and progressively less representation.
◦ Dynamic granulation of decision locations. (Making the discussions on centralization/descentralization obsolete by using adaptive social statistics tools).
◦ Sustainability.
◦ For measures to decrease inequalities, in the sense of Rawls' Difference Principle. Progressive taxes and measures to equalise the access to justice institutions.
Technological causes
◦ All software is free. All hardware should be free. All hardware and software should be open. Radical transparency for software and hardware.
◦ Against all forms of DRM
◦ Against iTunes.
◦ Against Adobe Flash.
◦ Against Netflix, Hulu, Crackle etc. All streaming non p2p services.
◦ Support to jailbreaks, cracks, hackintoshes etc.
◦ For regulations on universal use of adapters, chargers and batteries.
◦ For regulations to ease the access and DIY fixing of our own devices.
Companies I try to boycott as widely as possible
◦ Amazon
◦ Apple
◦ Editora Abril
◦ MacDonald's
◦ Burger King
◦ Starbucks
◦ Adidas
◦ Nike
◦ Harley-Davidson Motor Company
◦ HarperCollins Publishers
◦ Netflix
◦ Pfizer
◦ Walmart
My Political Compass
◦ 1st (Jun 2009) ec left -6.13, soc libertarian -5.85
◦ 2nd (Aug 2010) ec left -3.88, soc libertarian -4.05
◦ 3rd (July 2011) ec left -7.25, soc libertarian -5.85
◦ 4th (June 2012) ec left -6.77, soc authoritarian +0.64
◦ 5th (June 2013) ec left -5.31, soc libertarian -6.31
(Draw your results here)
◦ The World's Smallest Political Quiz: Centrist
The page pertaining to this URL was last updated in 09/26/24.

Software and services I endorse
A curation of applications and sites that have proven useful to me.

A Review of the Madhyamaka Course by Alex Trisoglio
Recently, a student of Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche, Alex Trisoglio, presented the internet general public with a course on the Madhyamakavatara by Chandrakirti. Here some words on the course, and a particular discussion I had with Mr. Trisoglio.