contain  multitudes  •  por  Padma  Dorje  •  fundado  em  2003
contain  multitudes
An outpouring on Twitter highlights the acute pressures on young scientists.Nature

Time to talk about why so many postgrads have poor mental health

An outpouring on Twitter highlights the acute pressures on young scientists.
The Bologna statement, which defines the very purpose of universities, doesn’t seem to apply to the UK any more.The Guardian

In UK universities there is a daily erosion of integrity

The Bologna statement, which defines the very purpose of universities, doesn’t seem to apply to the UK any more.
This is mirrored in our politics. On both front benches today there are pitifully few people one could call intellectuals (as distinct from intelligent): Jesse Norman and Barry Gardiner are the only ones I can think of immediately. The 60s and 70s, however, gave us Crosland, Foot, Jenkins and Crossman among others. And although Thatcher was considered no great intellectual in her time, she peppered her speeches with references to Hayek, Friedman or Popper. Can you imagine Theresa May citing similar men? Are there even any?Stumbling and Mumbling

On Britain's Intellectual Decline

This is mirrored in our politics. On both front benches today there are pitifully few people one could call intellectuals (as distinct from intelligent): Jesse Norman and Barry Gardiner are the only ones I can think of immediately. The 60s and 70s, however, gave us Crosland, Foot, Jenkins and Crossman among others. And although Thatcher was considered no great intellectual in her time, she peppered her speeches with references to Hayek, Friedman or Popper. Can you imagine Theresa May citing similar men? Are there even any?

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todo conteúdo, design e programação por Eduardo Pinheiro, 2003-2024
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