contain  multitudes  •  by  Padma  Dorje  •  established  in  2003
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HomeScribblesA Review of Hema Hema

A Review of Hema Hema

Art-house bhutanese twilight zone

Khyentse Norbu is a film-maker belonging to the lineage of the finest Asian masters, Hiroshi Teshigahara and Satyajit Ray. This is a feast for careful placement of movement in frame, all the while retaining plot. It is an art-house, "bardo" (gap) movie, but narrative and plot twists are present for those who are able to withstand a somewhat still contemplative movie, and it works narratively — even though it tells quite a weird story, which is something Norbu is aiming for.

Of course, the director is a major guru in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition (Khyentse Norbu, when we take his mask, is known as The Infallible Source of Refuge Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche). So, this movie is taken by his followers as direct teaching, a powerful transformative message to be integrated as reflection in one's own practice.

While people with slight knowledge of Buddhism will recognize themes, and even capture some nomenclature (hidden in the very well thought of subtitle translation), those with no interest or knowledge in the religion, but who like film and weird experiments (and a twilight-zone fringe feeling of sorts) will enjoy it for sure.

For people with an artistic eye, the masks in themselves are quite captivating. I would surely watch even a series of stills of this movies for quite some time and remain entertained.

The director faced some backlash in his native country, and even accusations of blasphemy, due to using seeming religious imagery in scenes around sex and violence. Yet, Khyentse Norbu is a refined artist scholar with a vast knowledge of film, culture and the human mind. The Japanese nubero bago comes to mind — in that someone refined as Hiroshi Teshigahara, a flower arrangement master, made sensual movies and psychologic science fiction, featuring weirdos, outcasts and the more marginalized aspects of Japanese culture. "Under the Blossoming Cherry Trees" also comes to mind, as well as Shohei Imamura. But the art direction in this Hema Hema comes directly from Satyajit Ray (something that is actualy even clearer in Norbu's last effort, "Vara"). Khyentse Norbu knows what he likes, and he is quite able to put the spot on what is good and make the lineage shine.

More about Hema Hema on IMDB and watch it on demand on Vimeo.

For those who have never encountered Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche, he’s a difficult person to describe. His presence is disarming and earthy, and he teaches with relaxed irreverence, much humor, and a brilliant command of dharma. He made the following remarks about Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche during two of the talks he gave in Halifax.CHRONICLEPROJECT

Reflections on Trungpa Rinpoche

For those who have never encountered Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche, he’s a difficult person to describe. His presence is disarming and earthy, and he teaches with relaxed irreverence, much humor, and a brilliant command of dharma. He made the following remarks about Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche during two of the talks he gave in Halifax.
The Bhutanese censor board has declared that the movie by the filmmaker of ‘The Cup’ offends religious

The use of masks in film ‘Hema Hema’ earns acclaimed director Khyentse Norbu a ban

The Bhutanese censor board has declared that the movie by the filmmaker of ‘The Cup’ offends religious sentiments.
In March 2018, Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche gave teachings to the Rigpa Sangha in Berlin, London and Paris. These teachings are wonderful in any context, explain the Vajrayana practice of guru yoga in depth, and deal directly with the subject at hand.YouTube

Vajrayana-Buddhism in the Modern World: The Challenges of Maintaining an Authentic Tradition

In March 2018, Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche gave teachings to the Rigpa Sangha in Berlin, London and Paris. These teachings are wonderful in any context, explain the Vajrayana practice of guru yoga in depth, and deal directly with the subject at hand.
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I don’t know what I will be called in my next life. I actually don’t know if I will be reborn in a sphere where there is such a thing as a name. Do beetles have names?

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