contain  multitudes  •  por  Padma  Dorje  •  fundado  em  2003
contain  multitudes
The waning days of the 20th century seemed like an Orwellian nightmare: laws preventing publication of scientific research on software; laws preventing sharing software; an overabundance of software patents preventing development; and end-user license agreements that strip the user of all freedoms—including ownership, privacy, sharing, and understanding how their software works. This collection of essays and speeches by Richard M. Stallman addresses many of these issues. Above all, Stallman discusses the philosophy underlying the free software movement. This movement combats the oppression of federal laws and evil end-user license agreements in hopes of spreading the idea of software freedom.pdf

Selected Essays of Richard M. Stallman

The waning days of the 20th century seemed like an Orwellian nightmare: laws preventing publication of scientific research on software; laws preventing sharing software; an overabundance of software patents preventing development; and end-user license agreements that strip the user of all freedoms—including ownership, privacy, sharing, and understanding how their software works. This collection of essays and speeches by Richard M. Stallman addresses many of these issues. Above all, Stallman discusses the philosophy underlying the free software movement. This movement combats the oppression of federal laws and evil end-user license agreements in hopes of spreading the idea of software freedom.
If you feel you need to be used by Facebook to find out about parties at your school, you might look for someone in your circle who isn't ready to break ties with Facebook, who would undertake to take note of parties via Facebook and send messages to a list of Facebook-rejecting friends to inform them.Stallman

Reasons not to use Facebook

If you feel you need to be used by Facebook to find out about parties at your school, you might look for someone in your circle who isn't ready to break ties with Facebook, who would undertake to take note of parties via Facebook and send messages to a list of Facebook-rejecting friends to inform them.

Se você vê mérito nos tópicos tratados, divulgue — comente e partilhe nas redes sociais. É uma prática de generosidade que ajuda na minha própria prática de generosidade de produzir e disponibilizar esse conteúdo. Outras formas de ajudar.

Tigela de esmolas para contribuições.

Ajude (contribuições mensais):

◦ PayPal, em qualquer valor acima de 10 reais

◦ Mercado pago, contribuição mensal de qualquer valor.

Para contribuição única:

◦ Pelo PIX

◦ PayPal

◦ Mercado Pago

Grupo de Whatasapp
(apenas anúncios)

todo conteúdo, design e programação por Eduardo Pinheiro, 2003-2024
(exceto onde esteja explicitamente indicado de outra forma)

Esta obra é licenciada em termos da CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 Creative Commons. Atribuição. Não comercial. Sem derivações.

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