contain  multitudes  •  por  Padma  Dorje  •  fundado  em  2003
contain  multitudes
Rick and Morty fans have repeatedly been curious about one particular question over the first three seasons: Has Rick Sanchez changed? Is he becoming more caring? Let's look at the evidence to try to better understand the thinking of showrunners Dan Harmon and Justin Roiland.YouTube

Rick and Morty: Has Rick Changed?

Rick and Morty fans have repeatedly been curious about one particular question over the first three seasons: Has Rick Sanchez changed? Is he becoming more caring? Let's look at the evidence to try to better understand the thinking of showrunners Dan Harmon and Justin Roiland.
About Rick and Morty, Feat. DAN HARMON! // It goes without saying that Season 3 of RICK AND MORTY is mind-blowingly good – the Pickle Rick episode alone can convince any fan of that. However, I couldn’t help but overthink this episode after I saw it. I mean, is it actually possible for Pickle Rick to control a roach brain and create a rat suit? I think it is, but Dan Harmon, one of the creators of Rick and Morty, thinks not. So we made a little wager about whether or not I can find the answer in this episode!YouTube

Film Theory: Pickle Rick Actually Works!

About Rick and Morty, Feat. DAN HARMON! // It goes without saying that Season 3 of RICK AND MORTY is mind-blowingly good – the Pickle Rick episode alone can convince any fan of that. However, I couldn’t help but overthink this episode after I saw it. I mean, is it actually possible for Pickle Rick to control a roach brain and create a rat suit? I think it is, but Dan Harmon, one of the creators of Rick and Morty, thinks not. So we made a little wager about whether or not I can find the answer in this episode!
The stuff in the White House basement gets DARK.DORKLY

7 Clever Details Hidden in the Rick and Morty Finale

The stuff in the White House basement gets DARK.
Basically bros who think Rick is a role model to be followed, and not something more like a fun cautionary example (or even a representation of the writers themselves trying to work out -- with no clear answer -- the ethical freedom and abyssal responsibility of the very act of writing fiction, something by its own nature a many-worlds landscape of sorts). // Why does everyone hate fans of the sci-fi cartoon Rick & Morty? It’s a question that spawned two massive threads on the Rick & Morty fansite known as Reddit.LIFEHACKER

Horrible Rick & Morty Fans Demonstrate How Not to Be a Fan

Basically bros who think Rick is a role model to be followed, and not something more like a fun cautionary example (or even a representation of the writers themselves trying to work out -- with no clear answer -- the ethical freedom and abyssal responsibility of the very act of writing fiction, something by its own nature a many-worlds landscape of sorts). // Why does everyone hate fans of the sci-fi cartoon Rick & Morty? It’s a question that spawned two massive threads on the Rick & Morty fansite known as Reddit.
Dan Harmon muses the philosophy guiding Rick and Morty's multiverse.YouTube

The Search For Meaning on Rick and Morty

Dan Harmon muses the philosophy guiding Rick and Morty's multiverse.
What purpose this series serves us?

The Sweet Pungent Nihilism of Rick and Morty

What purpose this series serves us?

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