Ivan Illich
Ivan Illich (/ɪˈvɑːn ˈɪlɪtʃ/; 4 September 1926 – 2 December 2002) was a Croatian-Austrian philosopher, Roman Catholic priest, and critic of the institutions of modern Western culture, who addressed contemporary practices in education, medicine, work, energy use, transportation, and economic developm...
10 Provocative Quotes from Ivan Illich's “Deschooling Society”
“Once a man or woman has accepted the need for school, he or she is easy prey for other institutions. Once young people have allowed their imaginations to be formed by curricular instruction, they are conditioned to institutional planning of every sort.”

Deschooling Society quotes
Impactful quotes from a seminal work on freedom from institutional education.

Grupo de Whatasapp (apenas anúncios)
todo conteúdo, design e programação por Eduardo Pinheiro, 2003-2024
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