contain  multitudes  •  por  Padma  Dorje  •  fundado  em  2003
contain  multitudes
Holder of the ultimate recognition, a bold, dramatic and utterly sweet-intense teacher for all us barbarians in this degenerate

Quotes by Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche

Holder of the ultimate recognition, a bold, dramatic and utterly sweet-intense teacher for all us barbarians in this degenerate time.
He is the dramatic manifestation of Khyentse, and these are some of his precious direct advice in few

Quotes by Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

He is the dramatic manifestation of Khyentse, and these are some of his precious direct advice in few words.
You have to go beyond duality and you also have to go beyond nonduality at the same time. You have to return to duality: that is the final goal. It is like the ox-herding pictures: finally you return to the world, with a big belly and with the ox behind you. That picture, returning to the world, is the final point. So you have duality; then you discover nonduality because of duality; then you transcend both nonduality and duality because of them. ~ Chögyam Trungpa in The Teacup and the

Returning to the world

You have to go beyond duality and you also have to go beyond nonduality at the same time. You have to return to duality: that is the final goal. It is like the ox-herding pictures: finally you return to the world, with a big belly and with the ox behind you. That picture, returning to the world, is the final point. So you have duality; then you discover nonduality because of duality; then you transcend both nonduality and duality because of them. ~ Chögyam Trungpa in The Teacup and the Skullcup
An indomitable teacher of the old translation

Quotes by Shechen Rabjam Rinpoche

An indomitable teacher of the old translation tradition.

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