contain  multitudes  •  por  Padma  Dorje  •  fundado  em  2003
contain  multitudes
The first cup of coffee that 2012 U.S. Barista champion Katie Carguilo served tasted rich and flavorful to me, but it wasn’t up to Carguilo’s high standards. “This coffee is really chocolatey, really nutty, but it tastes a little bit too bitter in the finish,” she explained. “The grounds were too fine, so the water couldn’t get through, and it overextracted the coffee.”SLATE

The Secret To Making Great Coffee Revealed

The first cup of coffee that 2012 U.S. Barista champion Katie Carguilo served tasted rich and flavorful to me, but it wasn’t up to Carguilo’s high standards. “This coffee is really chocolatey, really nutty, but it tastes a little bit too bitter in the finish,” she explained. “The grounds were too fine, so the water couldn’t get through, and it overextracted the coffee.”
Scientists on the island of Fiji have discovered a type of ant that plants, fertilizes and guards its own coffee crops. The industrious creatures have been perfecting their agricultural know-how for millions of years.DW

Ant species cultivates coffee for accommodation

Scientists on the island of Fiji have discovered a type of ant that plants, fertilizes and guards its own coffee crops. The industrious creatures have been perfecting their agricultural know-how for millions of years.
Cups of coffee, tea, and hot chocolate have become mainstays of the modern British diet, dispensed in outlets in every high street and enjoyed in the home or during breaks at work.HISTORYEXTRA

A brief history of how we fell in love with caffeine and chocolate

Cups of coffee, tea, and hot chocolate have become mainstays of the modern British diet, dispensed in outlets in every high street and enjoyed in the home or during breaks at work.
Be a COFFEE ACHIEVER ! (with Kurt Vonnegut) Because coffee is the calm moment that lets you think. Coffee gives you the time to dream it.YouTube

1984 the Coffee Generation ad

Be a COFFEE ACHIEVER ! (with Kurt Vonnegut) Because coffee is the calm moment that lets you think. Coffee gives you the time to dream it.

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